Grupo: Beirut
Album: The Gulag Orkestar
Ano: 2006
e diel, 29 korrik 2007
e diel, 22 korrik 2007
Philip Glass - Powaqqatsi
"POWAQQATSI's overall focus is on natives of the Third World -- the emerging, land-based cultures of Asia, India, Africa, the Middle East and South America -- and how they express themselves through work and traditions. What it has to say about these cultures is an eyeful and then some, sculpted to allow for varied interpretations.
POWAQQATSI is also about contrasting ways of life, and in part how the lure of mechanization and technology and the growth of mega-cities are having a negative effect on small-scale cultures.
To be certain, POWAQQATSI is a record of diversity and transformation, of cultures dying and prospering, of industry for its own sake and the fruits of individual labor, presented as an integrated human symphony -- and with Philip Glass' score providing the counterpart, performed with native, classical and electronic instruments, its tribal rhythms fused by a single majesterial theme."
e diel, 15 korrik 2007
e enjte, 5 korrik 2007
Micah P. Hinson and the Gospel Progress
Grupo: Micah P. Hinson
Album: Micah P. Hinson and the Gospel Progress
Ano: 2005
Album: Micah P. Hinson and the Gospel Progress
Ano: 2005
e mërkurë, 4 korrik 2007
A noite de ontem foi deles...
Um dia Chris Martin disse que os "Arcade Fire" são a maior banda de rock de todos os tempos... eu assino por baixo!! Ontem estiveram no SuperBockSuperRock... deram "show"!!
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